27 December 2007


Radio St. Helena & friends

rx: Perseus ant: T2FD 15 m long

4904,96 23/12 1932 R.D.N. Tchadienne, Chad, Talks, good

4915 23/12 0150 Difusora do Macapà, Brazil, talks, PP, fair

6020 24/12 1824 Radio Nederland, via Madagascar, talks EE, stopped by China at 1827. Poor

6250 24/12 1940 Radio Cairo, Egypt, in Italian, Merry Christmas wishes, Christmas music. Good

6300 24/12 1855 R.N. Saharaui, nice music, id, Political talks, Arabic, good

7540 24/12 1910 Dengue Mezopotamya, CLA reported via Moldova, slow songs, some ids in Kurd (pres). Good, little QRM maybe jammer

9615 24/12 1810 Radio New Zealand Int. Christmas Religious Songs, QRM CRI in German, fair

11092,5 15/12 2120 Radio St. Helena, talks in English, S 4 but nice audio in USB

13840 26/12 1215-1300* Radio New Zealand Int., Reports in English, QRM
Poland. Very good after 1230 when the channel became clear and till 1300
when it changes frequency.


Marittime: DSC 2187 kHz

Stazioni marittime ricevute tra il 16 e il 26 Dicembre 2007

2187,5 kHz DSC
rx: Winrad G33EM
ant: 30 meters long wire

Le più interessanti, almeno per me (ricevute una sola volta):

MRSC Shetland (UK)
Shangai (China)
Reykjavik (Islanda)
Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)

Le altre:

Netherland CG Radio
Valencia (Spain)
Lyngby (Denmark)
Las Palmas (Spain)
Olympia (Greece)
La Coruna (Spain)
Corsen (Corsica)
Witowo (Poland)
Oostende (Belgium)
Bilbao (Spain)
Rogaland (Norway)
Haifa (Israel)
MRCC Aberdeen (UK)
La Garde (France)
Madrid Radio
Malaga (Spain)
Izmir (Turkey)
Turku (Finland)
Malin Head (Ireland)
Cyprus Radio
MRSC Holyhead (UK)
MRSC Humber (UK)
Rijeka (Croatia)
Odessa (Ukraine)
Tjoeme (Norway)
Varna (Bulgaria)
Alexandria (Egypt)
Novorossiysk (Russia)
Port Said (Egypt)
Samsun (Turkey)
Constanta (Romania)
Almeria (Spain)

15 December 2007


La banda dei 49 metri alle 20 UTC Monitoraggio col Perseus

5900-6300 kHz
Monitoraggio dei 49 metri a Milano, ore 2000 UTC del 14 dicembre 07 effettuato sfruttando la capacità del Perseus di registrare 400 kHz di banda

5900 14/12 *2000 Radio Bulgaria, start prg. in Albanian (pres) fair

5905 14/12 1956 Radio Rossii, "Musica na Radio Rossii" Good

5915 14/12 2000 Radio Slovakia Int. News, good

5920 14/12 2000 Voice of Russia, in FF, good

5925 14/12 *2000 WYFR Family Radio, start prg in Arabic, poor

5930 14/12 2000 Radio Praga, in Spanish, news

5935 14/12 2000 Radio Poland, Ukrainian, reports, fair

5940 14/12 2000 Voice of Russia, news in Russian, good

5945 14/12 2000 Radio Austria Int. Classical Music, German, good

5950 14/12 2000 Voice of Russia, reports in French, good

5960 14/12 2000 CRI, Reports in English, good

5965 14/12 1958* WYFR Family Radio ending in Arabic, very good

5970 14/12 *2000 Voice of Vietnam, via UK, start in Russian, good

5975 14/12 1958* Voice of Russia, ending prg, poor

5980 14/12 1959 Voice of Turkey, in Turkish, good

5990 14/12 2000 Radio Free Asia, id in EE and Asian lang. fair

5995 14/12 1959 RTV Malì, Bamako, FF talks fair

6000 14/12 1958* WYFR Family Radio, end of prg in Italian good

6000 14/12 *2000 Voice of Russia, Start Prg in Bulgarian, good

6005 14/12 2000 BBC via Seychelles, reports in EE

6010 14/12 2000 IRIB, Iran, EE, reports, good

6020 14/12 2000 WYFR Family Radio, Madagascar, QRM CRI, in EE fair

6025 14/12 2000 Kossuth Radio, Hungary, commercial, time pips, id, reports,

6030 14/12 2000 BBC Oman, id, news in Arabic

6035 14/12 *2001v Radio Tirana, in italiano, start prg, poor/fair

6040 14/12 2000 Belaruskoye Radio 1, time pips, id, reports, fair

6045 14/12 1957-2000* Voice of Russia, in Slov. end of prg good

6050 14/12 *2000 PBS Xisang, start, fair

6055 14/12 2000 Voice of Turkey, "Turkish Album" in EE, good

6060 14/12 1955-2000* Voice of Russia, in Arabic, fair

6060 14/12 2001 Voice of America (pres) Asian lang., Philippinas, poor

6065 14/12 2000 Radio Sweden, id, start in Swedish (after Russian prg) very

6070 14/12 2005 Belaruskoye Radio 1 //6040

6075 14/12 2000 DW super!

6080 14/12 2000 VOA Sao Tome, in EE "hello everybody", afro mx, poor

6085 14/12 2005 Radio Japan, in Jap. talks poor

6090 14/12 2000 Radio Belarus, id, in German, good

6100 14/12 *2000 CRI, unid prg poor

6105 14/12 2000 Radio Racja, via Poland, reports, fair

6110 14/12 2000 BBC in Arabic

6120 14/12 1958-2001* WYFR Family Radio in Portuguese, end at 2001 good

6120 14/12 2000 Voice of Turkey, Turkish, music, very good

6130 14/12 1955 Voice of Russia, in French, music and talks very good

6130 14/12 *2000 DW in Arabic good

6140 14/12 2000 Voice of Russia in Arabic, id1959 and talks

6145 14/12 *2000 Voice of Russia, in EE after prg in German, reports. Good

6155 14/12 1958 Radio Austria Int. Classical Music fair-good

6165 14/12 1957 Radio Dif. Nat. du Chad, talks in French, QRM Croatia, fair

6165 14/12 2000 Voice of Croatia, start in German, strong QRM from Chad

6170 14/12 2000 Voice of Russia, id in Russian, good

6175 14/12 2000 Radio France Int, in French, fair

6180 14/12 *2000 DW start prg in Russian, good

6185 14/12 *2000 Radio Vatican, id, start good

6195 14/12 2000 BBC, news, EE good

6265 14/12 2000 IRIB, reports in EE, good

6290 14/12 2000 ERTU, Egypt, in Arabic, talks good

6300 14/12 2000 Nat. Radio of Saharan ADR, Arabic, good

RX: Perseus - ANT: t2FD
QTH Milano, Italia

12 December 2007


DXing in Liguria - Boc 11


rx: New SDR receiver Perseus; RF Space SDR-IQ; CiaoRadio H101; AOR AR7030; 2 Degen DE1103 --- ant: Wellbrook LFL 1010

Sono stato qualche a Bocca di Magra con Dario Monferini. Questi sono gli ascolti in onde corte. Ha partecipato anche, domenica 2, Luigi Cogliati col suo baldo CiaoRadio H101 equipaggiato con l'antenna L101. Le foto sono di Luigi. Nella prima si vede il suo CiaoRadio adattato a uso mobile su un treppiede, in terrazzo. Nell'altra Dario (in primo piano) che fa finta di ascoltare e io che penso alla cena.

2310 29/11 1955-2000 Abc Vl8a, Alice Springs, Australia, Ee News Fair

2325 29/11 1956-2010 Abc Vl8t, Tennant Creek, Australia, Usb better, in // 2310 fair/good

2485 29/11 1957-2015 Abc Vl8k, Katherine, Australia, in // 2310

3266,43 29+30/11 2118-2153 Rri Gorontalo, Indonesia, local news , id, 2130-2140 , better in usb cause ute 3266,5 poor/fair

3345 03/12 1945-1959 Channel Africa, in pp , yl weather news. fair/good

3396 02/12 1918-1922 Zbc, Zimbabwe, id Vernacular, Afro pop mx no stop fair

3815 Nothing

3905 29/11 1920-1959 Dutch pirate harmonic, with electronic music. Attention, this is not Papuasia, fair/good

3920,22 02/12 2040-2055 unid Greek pirate also hrd fundamental freq. 1306,06 khz fair/good

3925 29+30/11+01/12 *2040-2158 Nikkei radio, Tokyo, Japan, pianoforte play as is, s/on 2045.fair/good peaks

3995 29/11 2140-2142 unid Arabic chanting, tent. Irib ? poor/fair

4004,64v 30/11 2125-2130 Vatican radio, Spanish service, drifting from 4005 khz,in // 1530 khz fair/good 4319 usb 01/12 1952-1956 Afrts Diego Garcia, informations in Ee. good

4604,98 29+30/11 +02/12 2054-2109 Rri Serui, Indonesia, lagu lagu songs, Love Ambon, Rri news. fair/fair

4750 30/11 2055-2105 tent., Rri Makassar, Indonesia, talks under Pbs Cnr 1, Xian, weak, with some peaks

4760 30/11 1418-1422 R. Bangladesh with interferences from China. fair

4760 30/11 1640-1646 Twr Swaziland, in Shangaao, id talks. fair/good

4780 01+02/12 2335-0106 r. Cultural Coatan, Guatemala, with talk program religious in spanish poor/fair 4780 29+30/11+01/12 1725-1955 & 0410-0450 Rtv Djibouti, in Arab, in // 1539 khz 2035 + codar utility noise fair/good

4789,97 30/11 2105-2112 Rri Fak Fak, Indonesia, lagu lagu music, Rri news 2100, fair

4828 29/11+03/12 1920-1958 Voice of Zimbabwe, no stop afro pop music, no // 3396. fair to good

4835 29+30/11+02/12 *2130-2200 Abc Vl8a, Alice Springs, Australia, s/on, id, nxs Ee. // 4910 & 5025 fair/good

4845 02/12 2135-2140 R.Mauritania, Arabic talks, poor audio. Reactivated, weak

4869,99 02/12 2045-2139 tentative Rri Wamena, Indonesia, talks no stop, Rri news 2100, but no id 100%. fair

4874,58 29+30/11+02/12 2105-2205 Rri Sorong, Indonesia, krokong music, local id 2129, local news 2132, Love Ambon 2159 news rri 2200. fair/good peaks

4895 30/11+03/12 *2200-2330 Radio Mongolia, Murun, Mongolia, home service in //4830 . melodic songs. fair/good

4925 30/11 2310-2340 Rri Jambi, Indonesia, phone calls, local news 2330 fair/good

4950 01/12 0430-0433 R.Nac. Angola , Afro pop music, poor audio poor/fair

4976 01/12 0410-0415 R. Uganda, news report "globally living" in Ee very good

5005 29+30/11 1915-2059 R. Nacional Guinea Equatorial, Bata, 30/11 very bad modulation fair/good

5009,94v 20/11+02-03/12 1840-1955 R.Tv Malagasy, talks in Malagascian & French, better in usb. Sunday s/off later. fair/good

5025 29+30/11 1702-2155 R. Parakou, in French, phone call, lot of Afro pop music, "vous ècoutez radio Parakou" fair/good

5025 29+30/11+02/12 2132-2155 Abc Vl8k, Katherine, Australia, in // 4835 & 4910 , nxs Ee. up & down R. Benin. fair/good

5030 29+30/11 1915-2328 R. Ouagadougou, Upper Volta, in French , news, Afro pop music, phone calls. good/v.good

5066,33 01/12 0401-0415 La Voix Du Congo, Radio Candip, with Ff news fair

5765 usb 30/11+01/12 1630-1955 Afrts Guam , Ee service , Npr news, pop music. weak/fair

5770 usb 30/11+02/12 1420-1440 Myanmar Broadcasting Forces, id at 1430 , military march, news poor/fair

5915 01/12 0520-0525 R.Zambia, talks in Pemba language, Afro raggae music morning show. fair/good

6000 03/12 2320-2328 R. City Sound, Singapore, Chinese service, melodic songs, advertisings. very good

6035 30/11 0039-0048 Bbs Bhutan, yl talks program. good peaks

6060 03/12 0140-0153 R. Habana, Cuba, dx program "En contacto" reports received for 19 august special program 85 anos de la radio cubana, very good

6150 01+03/12 2320-2330 radio 938, Singapore, Ee service, "Traffic watch Media Corporation" ids. very good

6220 02/12 0730-0800 Mystery Radio, pirate, id, jingles, pop mx. good

6300 29/11+03/12 1945-2017 Radio National Saharaui, ids. Arabic in // 1550 khz (in usb). very good

6973 usb 29+30/11 + 01-03/12 2030-2205 R. Galei Zahal, Israel, in // 1287 & 1368 khz. very good

7200 30/11 1545-1550 R. Sudan, National program, qrm from R.Rossii. fair/good

7235 30/11+02-03/12 1500-1540 Radio Warna, Singapore, Malay service, ids yl & om, good/v.good

7275 30/11+02-03/12 1521-1602 Oli Fm, Singapore, Tamil Service, many ids, melodics songs & advertisings. good/v.good

7295 30/11+02-03/12 1521-1555 Rtm Kajang, Malaysia, Traxx Fm, annoncing “90point5”. Program of dark music, Iron Maiden fair to good

9610 02/12 *1000-1030 AWR, relay Germany, Italian dx program, "Studio dx" , very good

11735 30/11+02/12 1610-1916 R. Zanzibar, Tanzania, Talks in Swahili fair/good

11890 30/11 1630-1645 R. Okapi, Relay South Africa. French program, news & afro pop music. very good

15344,48 02/12 1914-1916 R.Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Sport news in Ss weak


Solar Flux Values NOAA WWA : 71 (29 November) 71 (30 November), 72 (01 December), 73 (02 December), 73 (03 December), 74 (04 December), 75 (05 December).

A-Index Values NOAA WWA : 03 (29 November) 01 (30 November), 02 (01 November), 01(02 December), 00 !!! (03 December), 01 (04 December), 02 (05 December).


Segnali di sole

Il sole sembra svegliarsi. Discreto segnale a Milano sia per Radio Amanecer Internacional che per Radio UNAM

4779,97 12/12 0015 Radio Cultural Coatan, Guatemala, songs, fair/good

4790,1 12/12 0022 Radio Vision (tent), Chiclayo, Peru, poor, fading

4805 12/12 0029 Radio Difusora do Amazonas, Brazil, songs, fair

4825 12/12 0033 Radio Educadora Braganca, Brazil, talks, fair

5910 11/12 0015 Marfil Estereo, Canada, nice songs, fair

6025,1 12/12 0040 Radio Amanecer Internacional, Santo Domingo, music & full
id, then religious talks, fair to good

6160 11/12 0010 CKZN St. John's, Canada, interview EE, fair

6135 11/12 0005 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, religious prg, fair

6185 11/12 0020 Radio Educacion, Mexico, cultural talks, literature, SS,
stopped by Iran starting at 0027, fair

9599,26 11/12 0033 Radio Unam, Mexico, talks & Mx poor, QRM Cuba on 9600

9790 11/12 0041 TDP, via Sackville Canada, DRM, music, good

9825 11/12 0045 Radio Martì, USA, jammed by Cuba, politics, fair

rx: Perseus
ant: T2FD

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