27 June 2011
Ascolti nella calda Milano estiva
(il logo di Radio Dardasha 7)
Few tips in hot summer Milan city
RX: RFspace SDR-14 with SDR-Radio software (version 1.4 684)
6135 27/6 0150 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, talks, songs, ids, fair, but stopped at 0200 by super strong signal of AWR on 6140 kHz
6160 27/6 0202 CKZN, Canada, relay of CBC One, news in English, fair
10051 27/6 0138 New York Radio, USA, Volmet, airports meteo info, USB, good
11815 27/6 0112 Radio Brasil Central, songs (also a classic Rock), culture advertisement, talks, ids. Good
11855 27/6 0118 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, Gospel talks, fair
13590 26/6 1900 CVC OneAfrica, via Zimbabwe, id, talks about family life, good
13740 26/6 1923-1929* Radio Dardasha 7, Clandestine to North Africa, in Arabic, talks with music, ids, s.off at 1929 fair
13920 27/6 0135 Firedrake, China, Chinese music jamming Voice of Hope channel, strong signal
15120 26/6 1808 Voice of Nigeria, in English, talks about woman and family, very good
15190 26/6 1759 Radio Pilipinas, Philippines, songs and talks about eating, mentioning potatoes many times, in Pilipino, good
15215 26/6 1815 Voice of Africa, Libya, talks in Hausa, and African music Horn of Africa style, very good
15265 26/6 1820 Radio Pakistan, folk songs, talks, bad modulation, good signal
15344.2 26/6 1825 Radio Nacional Argentina, Football live, River Plate in action but not so well because with this game they went to the second League for the first time, Spanish. Early this evening. Fair in LSB to avoid Morocco
15540 26/6 1830 Radio Kuwait, News in English followed by music, very good
15580 26/6 1835 VOA African Service, via Botswana, News in English, id & address, drama. Good
15610 26/6 1839 WEWN, USA, talks about media, bishops and others, in English, good
15630 26/6 1843 Voice of Greece, nice Greek songs, very good
15720 27/6 0125 Radio New Zealand Int. Pacific reports, fair
15745 27/6 0130 Sri Lanka BC, long song, id in English and other songs. Good
15850 26/6 1847 Galei Zahal, Israel, songs, good
17585 26/6 1851 Family Radio, USA, in French, religious music and talks. Good
17680 26/6 1854 CVC Voz Cristiana, Chile, songs, Spanish, fair
02 June 2011
Nigeria Kaduna in parallelo con 594
Alcuni ascolti a Bocca di Magra con il Perseus e l'Eton E1 (antenna Welllbrook LFL 1010)
4780 1/6 1956 RTV Djibouti, long talk, fair
4930 1/6 2000 VOA, Moepeng, Botswana, English, nice African songs, good
4940 1/6 2002 VOA, Sao Tome, English, African songs, very good //4930
4965 1/6 2005 CVC Christian Voice, Lusaka, Zambia, conversation in English, fair
6050 1/6 2016 Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet, China, song "Hotel California", good, //4820
6055 1/6 2014 Radio Rwanda, talks man & woman, bad modulation this evening, yesterday it was good. Strong signal
6089.85 1/6 2023 FRCN Kaduna, Nigeria, talks in Vernacular, fair //594, but on MW better signal! Stopped at 2030 by IRIB Iran
6100 1/6 2031 International Radio Serbia, French program, news, strong signal but some QRM on the same frequency, compressed modulation
6165 1/6 2011 Radio National Tchadienne, Chad, slow talks in French, modulation a little low, fair
7125 1/6 2008 Radio Conakri, Guinea, talks in French, fair
9665 1/6 2043 Radio PMR Pridnestrovye, Moldova (Russian enclave), international news in German. Good
9680 1/6 2040 Radio Thailand, economics news, English, good
9705 1/6 2036 Radio Ethiopia, Horn of Africa music, very good
11725 1/6 2047 Radio New Zealand Int., reports in English, good as usual in this weeks
15720 1/6 2049-2050* Radio New Zealand Int., DRM, good signal with perfect audio, just for 1 minute before signal off