08 January 2006


Ascolti 8 gennaio

9565 08/01 0030 Radio Tupi, Brazil, predica, PP suff/buono

9630 08/01 0000 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, rosario, PP, buono

9675 07/01 2354 Cancao Nova, Brazil, grande id with all the radio of the
group and frequencies. PP ottimo

13635 08/01 1344 Voice International, Australia, Darwin, Talks, in English,

13640 08/01 1350 Radio Oman (presumed), reports, Arabic, fair

13685 08/01 1340 Voice International, Australia, Darwin, talks in Chinese &
songs, fair/good

13865 08/01 1332 Iceland Radio, Reykjavik, in Icelandic, talks as reports,
mentioning the capital. USB. Fair to good

15290 08/01 1325 Radio Jordan, reports about Iraq, Arabic, good

15425 08/01 1315 HCJB, Australia, Kununurra, Talks, indonesiano, good

15665 08/01 1320 WHRA, USA, Greenbush, songs, EE, good

rx: TenTec RX321 & CiaoRadio H101
ant: T2FD by RF Systems 15 m.


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