03 April 2007


Somalia bene su 6950 kHz

Buon segnale dalla Somalia:

6950 31/3 1804-1900* Radio Bay, Baidoa, Somalia, long talks man and woman in Vernacular with some short afro mx, at 1857 Holy Quran and at 1900 short Hymn and
signal off. fair signal, clear audio, sometimes better in LSB to avoid utility tx

This radio was under the control of the Islamic courts, but now seems to be under the control of new Somali government, supported by Ethiopia.

Altri ascolti:

2485 31/3 2120 ABC VL8K Katherine, talks EE, at 2130 switched to 60 m, fair

4835 31/3 2130 ABC VL8A Alice Springs, Australia, EE, start bc on 60 meters,
report man & woman, fair/good signal

5470 31/3 2050 Radio Veritas, Liberia, EE, talks and s.off at 2056, good

rx: Winradio G33EM + long wire

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