13 November 2007


Ascolti con l'SDR-IQ

Ascolti milanesi con l'SDR-IQ della RF Space

4699,37 19/10 2301 Radio San Miguel, Bolivia, talks, poor

4746,9 19/10 2254 Radio Huanta 2000, Peru, songs, poor

4845,25 20/10 0145 Radio Cultura, Manaus, Brazil, songs, good

9575 19/10 2330 Medi 1, Morocco, songs, good

9875 19/10 2340 Radio Kuwait, songs AA, good

9630 19/10 2337 CNR1 Chinese invasion! // 9455 - 9500 - 9645 - 9650 - 9660 - 9830 - 9845 - 9875 - 4800

9985 19/10 2354 WWCR Nashville, USA, EE,id, end of BC on this freq at 2359, good

19/10 2315 Radio Brasil Central, songs and jingles, fair

12020 19/10 2325 HCJB, Ecuador, songs, talks PP fair

ant T2FD 15 m long

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