13 November 2007


Icom R71E col filtro FL44 a cristallo

Qualche ascolto provando l'Icom R71E con il nuovo filtro a cristallo FL44 da 2,4 kHz per l'SSB utile anche per le Bc in modalità Ecss (Un grande grazie ad Alessandro Capra!) - Antenna T2FD

4915 21/10 0220 Radio Difusora Macapà, songs & ids, fair

23/10 2315 Radio Republica, tx? political talks about Cuba, SS

5995 23/10 2340 RTV Malì, FF talks, better USB, id "Radio Malì" fair

6035 24/10 0015 BBS Bhutan, usual monks sound, poor

6135 & 6155 23/10 2359 R. Republica, id and announcement of change frequency
from 6135 to 6155. After 0000 on 6155. Both good signal

6400 21/10 0200 WMR Weekend Music Radio songs and talks, also about Pirate
Radios and MW dxing, old pirate recordings, Good

7185 23/10 0030 R Myanmar, start of BC with mx and yl talks, fair

7811 23/10 0045 AFRTS USB Saddlebunch Keys, Florida, USA talks EE poor/fair

13363,5 23/10 2045 Unid, Feeder from Argentina, LSB, talks, music Poor

15344,8 22/10 2100 R.Nacional, Argentina, Sport, fair

15476 23/10 1900 LRA36 Arcangel San Gabriel, Antartica, talks poor/fair

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