04 November 2008


6 MHz around

Qualche ascolto serale con il Perseus, intorno alle 0000 UTC. Sui 6010 kHz notate 5 portanti

6010 4/11 at 2357 observed 5 carriers: 6009,75 - 6009,95 - 6009,98 - 6010 - 6010,07 (the last off at 0000, seems to be China)

5980,52 4/11 2345 Radio Guaruja, Brazil, talks, ids, fair to good

5985,78 4/11 2355 Myanma Radio ? (presumed) soft music non stop, fair

5995 5/11 0001 RTV du Malì, end of BC with Hymn, good

6010 4/11 2359 Radio Inconfidencia, Brazil, talks under China RN8, poor

6019,41 4/11 2357 Radio Victoria, Peru, poor, stopped by CRI

6134,79 5/11 0005 Radio Santa Cruz, Bolivia, poor, QRM Aparecida

6134,94 5/11 0005 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, good

RX: Perseus
ANT: T2FD 15 m long
QTH: Milano, Italy

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