28 November 2009


Propagation is moving

Propagation, something is moving. Nice to listen to New Zealand on 49 meters with good signal.

5030 22/11 2350-0002* RD Burkina, songs, phone calls, hymn, off at 0002

5045 23/11 0110 Radio Cultura, Belem, Brazil, jazz songs, id "Cultura FM" fair

6010 23/11 0010 Belaruskoye Radio, Belarus, songs, talks, //7280 fair

6110 23/11 0020 Radio Habana, Cuba, politics, very good

6135 23/11 0030 Voice of Russia in PP ! Ma proprio qui si doveva mettere? Fair

6170 22/11 1430-1505 Radio New Zealand Int., Talks science, songs, id, reports fair/good

6170 23/11 0035 VOA Special English - FROM WHERE ? Fair

9810 23/11 0045 Radio Republica, Clandestine to Cuba, SS, talks, fair

11580 23/11 0055 Radio Pakistan, in Urdu, Song, id, news. Bad modulation, good signal

14670 22/11 1407 CHU Canada, pips, ids, fair

15000 22/11 1412 WWV Colorado, USA, pips, time, fair

Rx: Yaesu FRG 7 - Drake R8
Ant: T2FD
QTH Milano, Italia

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