23 March 2010


Propagazione verso l'Asia

Qualche ascolto della scorsa notte. Segnali buoni dall'Asia. Myanma Radio buona su 5985 con il canale libero.

RX: Perseus
Ant: Wellbrook LFL1010
QTH: Bocca di Magra

4765 23/3 0150 Radio Tajikistan, talks man & woman, fair/good

4800 23/3 0146 AIR Hyderabad, Indian, talks, some Indian music, fair, no CNR tonight!

4810 23/3 0142 AIR Bhopal, India, talks, music, good

4845,237 23/3 0138 Radio Cultura, Manaus, Brazil, songs, poor

4880 23/3 0130 AIR Lucknow, India, Indian sons, good

4910 23/3 0125 AIR Jaipur, India, talks and songs, good

5010 23/3 0120 AIR Thiruva... India, international reports, very good

5045 23/3 0125 Radio Cultura, Belem, Brazil, songs, weak/fair

5770 23/3 0040 Myanma Army Radio, Burma, talks and songs, fair

5915 23/3 0033, Myanma Radio, Burma, pop, talks //5985 fair/good

5985,8 23/3 0027 Myanma Radio, Burma, soft Asian pop, talks, // 5915, free channel, fair

6010 23/3 0110 Belaruskoye Radio, songs & talks, good

6050 23/3 0105 PBS Xizang, China, reports, Chinese, good

6090 23/3 0058 China Business Radio, id, news, over or mixed with Dr. Gene Scott, University Network. Chinese poor/fair

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