13 March 2010


WTWW testing 9475, RAE drifting on 15345

Qualche altro ascolto. RAE Argentina su 15345,05 kHz drifting, WTWW test su 9475 kHz

5995 25/1 2015 RTV du Malì, in French, interview, modulation little low,

7255 25/1 2121 Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, in French, talks, songs, fair in USB to avoid QRM from CRI in Italian on 7250 kHz.

9475 23/1 2025 WTWW, Lebanon, Tenn. USA, testing, pop songs, several
announcements, fair to good

9625 23/1 2148 AWR, Guam, in English,talks about revelation and other, good

15345,05 25/1 2037 RAE, Argentina, in French, press review, from La Nacion and others, song, culture. Fair, light QRM. Transmitter drifting also on this frequency.
RX: SDR-IQ; AOR AR7030; Yaesu FRG-7 --- ANT: T2FD
QTH Milano, Italia

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