21 September 2010


Settembre a Milano - RTM fuori frequenza

Il Marocco su 15341,14 kHz. Fuori frequenza. Crea QRM ad HCJB su 15340 kHz (RX SDR14)

RX: RFspace SDR14; Drake R8; Trio 9R-59DS
Ant: T2FD 15 m long
QTH: Milan city, Italy

6297,12 19/9 2130 National Radio of SADR, via Algeria, talks, Arabic, good

9500 19/9 2106 Radio Australia, Shepparton, reports, English, fair

9505 19/9 2110 Radio Record, Brazil, talks mentioning Sao Paulo, commercials, weak-fair

9580 19/9 2115 Africa 1, Gabon, songs, talks in French, good,

9675 19/9 2120 Radio Cancao Nova, Brazil, religious, Portuguese, fair

9690 19/9 2124 World Harvest Radio, USA, Religious, ids, English good

11565 19/9 0814 World Harvest Radio, USA, religious talks, English, good

11620 19/9 0809 Radio Ukraine Int., songs, talks, ids, in Ukrainian, good

11725 19/9 2025 R.New Zealand Int. talks about internationals, English, fair-good

11765 19/9 2034 R. Super Deus รจ Amor, Brazil, usual long sermon, Portuguese, good

11775 19/9 2039 Dr.Gene Scott Net., Anguilla, religious, English, good

11780 19/9 2102 Radio Nacional Amazonia, Brazil, gooooooolllllll (sport), fair

11815 19/9 2042 R.Brasil Central, Brazil, sport, Portuguese, fair

11945 19/9 0820 Radio Australia, Shepparton, talks, English, fair

14670 19/9 2049 CHU, Canada, usual pips & ids, fair

15000 19/9 2051 WWV, Fort Collins, USA, weak but clear

15225 18/9 1255 Radio Veritas, Philippines, ending BC in Asian language, s.off 1257

15245 18/9 1300 Voice of Korea, North Korea, starting BC in English, music, reports. Fair

15340 18/9 1235 HCJB Kununurra, Australia, Asian language, long talks, good in LSB to avoid RTM Morocco with fair signal on 15341,14 kHz

15341,14 18/9 1235 RTM, Nador, Morocco, out of frequency making QRM to HCJB, fair

15345,2 19/9 2252 R. Nacional Argentina, sport: River defeated! very good!

15450 19/9 0850 Radio Romania Int. (freq not reported by EIBI), Medicine, music, in Romanian, good

15525 19/9 0847 FEBC, Philippines, in Chinese, slow songs and talks, fair-good

15610 19/9 2058 WEWN, USA, religious, English, good

15715 19/9 0842 Radio Mashaal, via Germany to Afghanistan, talks, in Pashto, fair

17685 19/9 0837 Radio Free Afghanistan, via Thailand, talks, songs, fair

17720 19/9 0831 Radio Pakistan, Islamabad, songs, talks, fair modulation, fair

17845 19/9 0827 Radio Farda, Sri Lanka, Farsi, talks, ids, fair-good, fading

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