12 February 2011


Torna Radio Educacion Mexico

La propagazione รจ peggiorata. Sono sparite molte brasiliane, in compenso sono comparse Radio Nacional da Amazonia 11780, CHU 7850 e riappare Radio Educacion 6185, che erano assenti del tutto nei giorni scorsi. Impossibile di fatto ascoltare Radio Sweden via WRMI 9955 per il jamming.

4010 2/2 0210 Laser Hot Hits, England, Pirate, nice songs, fair

4052.46 2/2 0120 Radio Verdad (tent.), Chiquimula, Guatemala, music, poor

5755 2/2 0230 WTWW, Lebanon, USA, slow religious talks, bad modulation, fair

6145 2/2 0235 Radio Japan, via Chile, reports in Portuguese, good

6185 2/2 0255 Radio Educacion, Mexico, popular songs no stop, id at 0302, at 0308 stopped by Radio Vaticana. Weak-fair

7100 2/2 0039 Radio Pakistan, talks in Urdu (presumed) and Holy Kuran, fair

7200 2/2 0314 Sudan RTVC, Arabic, slow songs, weak

7210.71 2/2 0044 Voice of Russia, tx out of frequency, Portuguese, reports, very good

7245 2/2 0048 Radio Mauretanie, talks in Arabic, low modulation, fair signal

7295 2/2 0052 Traxx FM, Malaysia, usual songs programm, commercials, weak/fair

7385 2/2 0101 World Harvest Radio, USA, news in English, id, songs, very good

7485 2/2 0057-0059* FEBA, via Uzbekistan, end of the broadcast in Hindi, good

7850 2/2 0000 CHU, Ottawa, Canada, usual pips & ids, in the past days no signal in Milan. Weak

9265 2/2 0035 Family Radio via WINB, USA, religious songs and Bible, fair

9675 2/2 0031 Cancao Nova, Brazil, songs, talks, fair

9955 2/2 0240 Radio Sweden, on air via WRMI, USA: tentative, heavy jamming, Glenn Hauser asked to try but only few words were received here in Milan.

11520 2/2 0002 WEWN, USA, interview in English, good

11710.84 2/2 0006 RAE, Argentina, report about Egypt and Brazil, in Portuguese, good - at 0330 In French with fair reception.

11780 2/2 0011 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brazil, nice popular Brazilian songs, fair, not heard in the days before here in Milan

11815 2/2 0015 Radio Brasil Central, long talks, fair signal, very good audio

11854.94 2/2 0019 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, religious talks, weak

11920 2/2 0025 HCJB, Chile, religious talks, web URL, id, in Portuguese

RX: Perseus
QTH: Milano, Italia

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