08 April 2011


Radio Victoria again on 6020

Ricomparsa a Milano Radio Victoria dal Perù vicino ai 6020 kHz. Molto bene Traxx FM 7295, il canale è meno interferito.

rx: Perseus - ant: T2FD
QTH Milano, Italia

6019.17 7/4 2310 Radio Victoria, Peru, religious enphatic talks, weak but the 6020 channel is free.

6304.77 7/4 2355 Bravo Sierra, pirate in Holland, "Good morning this is Bravo Sierra from Holland", songs, good, later fading down

7295 8/4 0005 Traxx FM, Malaysia, songs and talks in English, also about book, fair signal tonight without usual QRM from close channels

9470.05 7/4 2333 AIR National Channel, reports, //9425 fair

9504.98 7/4 2323 Radio Record, Brasil, long talks, weak/fair

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