26 May 2011


Eton E1 in azione

Few tips with my new Eton E1 (antenna: T2FD) just got on eBay. Nice one. Here the log made in Milan.

4319 2350 19/5 AFRTS, Diego Garcia, USB, talks, hrd thanks PBT, weak

5040 0030 20/5 Radio Habana, Cuba, reports in French, music, good

9645.3 0015 20/5 Radio Bandeirantes, Brazil, sport talks, fair

9675 0012 20/5 Radio Cancao Nova, Brazil, long religious talk, fair/good

10000 0010 20/5 Observatorio Nacional Brazil, continuous time & ids, fair

11780 0003 20/5 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brazil, songs, talks "saudade", good

11815 2358 19/5 Radio Brasil Central, nice songs, ids, fair/good

11920 0006 20/5 HCJB, via Chile, in Portuguese, slow songs, very good

13690 2343 19/5 Radio Australia, English, talks //15415 15560 17750

15250 2345 19/5 Radio Nacional de Venezuela, via Cuba, talks about politics at the university by profesor Vladimir Costa. Fair/good //13680 good

15415 2341 19/5 Radio Australia, English, talks //15560 but better here, fair

15560 2339 19/5 Radio Australia, English, talks, weak //17750 weak too

15610 2336 19/5 WEWN, USA, religious talks, English, good

15650 2333 19/5 Voice of Greece, conversation, in Greek, fair

15720 2330 19/5 R New Zealand Int. talks about music, and blues song, English, fair

15850 2325 19/5 Galei Zahal, Israel, nice American songs, fair

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