22 July 2011


11 b& 13 MHz tips in Tuscany

Few tips on 11 & 13 MHz made in Pescia, Tuscany, with a SDR-14 and a 30 meters wire.

11580 19/7 1720 VOA Ashna Radio, Via Kuwait to Afghanistan, in Pashtu, talks, //11565, both fair/good some fading

11590 19/7 1716-1731 Radio Pakistan? Strong carrier S 9 and more but not modulated. Radio Pakistan tx problems?

11625 19/7 *1729 Vatican Radio, signing on with usual interval music, fair

11655 19/7 1725 Ibra Radio, via France, song, id at 1727 with web address, in Arabic, good

11733.3v 19/7 1731 Radio Romania Int, out of frequency, in English, reports. Good

11750 19/7 1735 Sri Lanka BC, songs and entertainement talks in Sinhalese, very good

11880 19/7 1810 Radio Australia, slow songs, in English, fair

12130 19/7 1659 VOA, via Sri Lanka, start program to Zimbabwe, talks mentioning Zimbabwe in African language. Good

13580 19/7 1703 Bible Voice, via Germany, in Arabic, id in English at 1705, very good

13590 19/7 1706 CVC OneAfrica, Zambia, talks in English, fair

13635 20/7 1147 Voice of Turkey, in Turkish, Turkish songs, good

13650 19/7 1709 Radio Kuwait, international reports in Arabic, good

13770 19/7 1712 All India Radio, Indian songs, good

13810 19/7 1715 Bible Voice, via France, program to East Africa in Tigrino (reported), Horn of Africa songs style, talks, some modulation problems. Good signal

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