22 July 2011


Radio Daqui e altre radio in Toscana

Radio Daqui benino. E altri ascolti sempre a Pescia, Pistoia, in Toscana

RX: RFSpace SDR-14 - ANT: 30 meters long wire

3410 21/7 2206 Greek Pirate in LSB, NOT 2x harmonic from MW, Greek folk songs, fair

3413 21/7 2209 Shannon Volmet, usual meteo airports info, fair/good

4845.27 21/7 2334 Radio Cultura, Manaus, talks, ids: "Cultura!", QRM Codar, good signal, fair

4915 21/7 2315 Radio Daqui, Brazil, nice slow Brazilian songs, some ids, fair

5910 21/7 2300 VOA, via Thailand, id and reports, weak

5995 21/7 2200 RTV du Mali, long talks, fair, better after Radio Bulgaria s.off at 2200 and Radio Senado s.off at 2203

9265 21/7 2239 WINB, USA, religious programme in English, good signal but low modulation. Fair

9330 21/7 2235 Radio Damascus, Siria, Spanish program, reports, music, ids. QRM from WBCQ, USA, with religious programme. Poor

9350 21/7 2232 WWCR Nashville, USA, Religious programme in English, good

9370 21/7 2228 WTJC USA, religious talks, good, not so good modulation

9385 21/7 2224 WWRB Manchester, USA, religious talks by woman, weak but clear

9479 21/7 2220 WTWW Lebanon, USA, religious talks, good, but in LSB to avoid China on 9480

9780 21/7 2244 CVC Voz Cristiana, Chile, religious talks in Spanish, fair

11670 21/7 2248 Radio Nacional Venezuela, via Cuba, great id, politics, in Spanish, fair

15720 21/7 2215 R. New Zealand International, talks in English, weak signal but clear modulation

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