07 October 2011


Pacifico e non solo

Buona propagazione in questi giorni anche verso il Pacifico sulle HF in alto. Ecco qualche ascolto milanese:

Auckland Volmet ricevuto con il G33DDC. Weak signal but clear

11725 7/10 0610 Radio New Zealand Int., pop songs, very good S 9+20 !

11940 7/10 0719 Radio Australia, Shepparton, reports economics, English, good //12080 fair

13282 7/10 0622 & 0650 Auckland Volmet, New Zealand, Airports info, USB, weak signal but clear

13282 7/10 0625 Honolulu Volmet, Hawaii, airports info, USB, weak

13362 7/10 0629 AFRTS, Barrigada, Guam, talks, then reports, USB, weak/fair fading. Better at 0702 news

13630 7/10 Radio Australia, Shepparton, spot interview 0658 fair

15000 7/10 0618 WWVH, Hawaii, time female voice weak/fair

15240 7/10 0707 Radio Australia, Shepparton, fair, news, fair

La propagazione è buona anche verso il Nord America. I 28 MHZ sono pieni di segnali USA e canadesi. Come se non bastasse sui 27 MHz arrivano di giorno anche i taxi russi in FM e forse di altri Paesi dell'Est Europa, come si vede in questa immagine:

Ecco poi altri ascolti:

6134.79 6/10 0140 Radio Santa Cruz, Bolivia, nice songs, commercials, fair

7189.75 6/10 0110 SLBC, Sri Lanka, slow Asian songs, weak but clear modulation

9370 6/10 0000 WTJC, NC, USA, id and address, then in Arabic, good

9564.91 6/10 0157 Super Radio Deus è Amor, Brazil, usual sermons, weak

9645.38 6/10 0149 Radio Bandeirantes, Brazil, sport talks, songs, commercials, fair //11925.22. Stopped at 0159 by Radio Romania Int. starting in Spanish

9675 5/10 2355 Cancao Nova, Brazil, long religious talk in "Deus é Amor" style not catholic ! fair/good

9780 6/10 0000 CVC Voz Cristiana, Chile. Id: "CVC La Voz", news, in Spanish, fair

9780 7/10 0828 REE, Spain, DRM, no label! Spanish, talks about el Prado museum, science... Some voice stops.

9850 7/10 0820 Voice of Russia, DRM, 2 programs at the some time: "DRM RUVR 1A" & "DRM RUVR 1B" changing button, the first in English, the latter in Russian. Some audio stops.

10000 5/10 2334 Observatorio Nacional, Brazil, ids, weak

11595 5/10 2340 Voice of Democratic Burma, via Gavar, Armenia, long talks, interview, fair/good

11925.22 5/10 2327 Radio Bandeirantes, Brazil, talks about Sao Paulo, (some QRM from HCJB via Chile in Portuguese on 11920 kHz with real strong signal 9 +20)

11925 7/10 0730 BBC WS, DRM, news, "BBC WS", very good SNR 30 dB

13670 6/10 0204 Radio Habana, Cuba, reports in Spanish, good //5040 good

15090 5/10 1200 Radio Free Aghanistan, via Kuwait, news in Pashtu mentioning many time Afghanistan. Weak

15120 7/10 Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, report about Somalia, in French, good signal but usual hum

15189.97 5/10 2308 Radio Inconfidencia, long talk, music, commercials, web address, fair

15190 7/10 0711 Radio Africa, Bata, Equatorial Guinea, nice African songs, English, fair

15225 5/10 1220 Radio Veritas, Philippines, in Asian language, interview, good

15265 5/10 2322 Radio Japan, via Bonaire, in Japanese, talks, good

15345.07 5/10 2317 RAE, Argentina, national music and songs, Spanish program, good

17560 5/10 *1000 Radio Free Sarawak, Vn, start Bc, id "Radio Sarawak!" repeated, fair

17720 5/10 1000 Radio Pakistan, time, id, news, fair, low modulation

17820 5/10 *1000 Radio Thailand, starting BC, id in English, bells, then program in Thai. Good

17880 5/10 1005 Radio Sawa, via Kuwait, western & Arabic songs, excellent

17895 5/10 0958 AIR, Bengaluru, India, start of Bc with music. At 1000 id and bc in English. Good

RX: G33DDC Excalibur Pro - ANT: T2FD - QTH: Milano, Italia

Radio Sarawak

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