18 November 2011


BOC 26 - IBF Torino 5000 on air

Ecco qualche ascolto fatto durante BOC 26, Bocca di Magra DX nights, con Dario Monferini.

RX: Excalibur Pro, Perseus, SDR-IQ
Ant: MaxiWhip, Wellbrool LFL 1010 loop

2325 16/11 2026 VL8T ABC, Tennant Creek, Australia, songs, news at 2030, fair/good //2310 & 2485

2485 16/11 2033 VL8K ABC, Katherine, Australia, news, fair/good //2310 & 2325

3270 13/11 2305 Greek Pirate 2x Harmonic, fair, talks & songs, fair

3330 13/11 2327 CHU, Canada, pips & ids, weak

3341.4 16/11 2124 Greek Pirate 1670 kHz x 2 Harmonic, songs, fair

3358.4 12/11 1925-1929* Greek Pirate 2x H talks, music, fair, off at 19.29

3413 13/11 2105 Shannon Volmet, Ireland, airports meteo, id, USB, good

3912 16/11 2103 Voice of the People (pres), North Korea, talks woman & man in Asian language, fair, utility QRM

3915 16/11 2110 BBC WS, Kranij, Singapore, reports, good in LSB to avoid utility

3975 16/11 2114 Vatican Radio, English program, interview, good

3984.95 16/11 2118 Voice of Croatia, Croatian, reports, also talks about Milosevic trial, good

3995 13/11 2111 HCJB, Kall/Auf der Heide, Germany, songs, religious talks, in English, fair signal but very good audio

4750.01 12/11 1735-1739* CNR Hailar, China (pres), slow music, id, off, weak

4828 15/11 2031 Voice of Zimbabwe, talks, weak

4840 13/11 0319 WWCR, Nashville, USA, long religious lesson, English, good

4840 14/11 0013 AIR Mumbai, India, slow Indian songs, fair

4880 12/11 1745 SW Radio Africa, via South Africa, songs, several ids, report from Harare, good

4885 16/11 2045 Radio Clube do Parà, Brazil, talks, fair, it's here early tonight

4910 16/11 2131 VL8T, ABC Tennant Creek, Australia, news, fair //5025 fair/good

4930 16/11 2049-2100* VOA, Moepeng Hill, Botswana, nice African songs, id and s.off, good

4940 14/11 0010 AIR Guwahati, India, slow Indian songs, fair

5000 15/11 1639 IBF Torino, Italy, ids in Italian, French, English, fair S=5/6 reports to QSL@radiomaria.org

5010.188 12/11 1752 Radio Madagascar, talks woman, fair signal, low modulation, better on 16/11 at 1915

5025 13/11 2132 VL8K ABC Katherine, Australia, talks, English, weak - no ABC on 4910, only a carrier on 4835

5040 14/11 0023 Radio Habana, Cuba, songs and reports, in English, good

5909.94 13/11 2350 Alcaravan Radio, Colombia, nice Colombian music, weak

5915 14/11 0002 Radio Myanmar, talks by woman, slow Asian music and songs, weak/fair

6015 13/11 1308 TDP Radio, Belgium, DRM, label: TDP Radio, write to us at TDPradio pobox 1 2310 Rijkevorsel Belgium.... music, good audio, no stops

6030 14/11 2145-2147* Radio Romania Int. DRM, English program, abrupt s.off at 2147 TX problems? Good audio but no label, SNR = 17,5 dB

6055 12/11 1957 Radio Rwanda, talks in Vn, fair after CRI s.off

6155 14/11 2133 Radio Belarus, English program, "music box", good

6165 14/11 2140 RDN Tchadienne, Chad, long talk about politics, French, fair/good

6210 14/11 0003 Unid in Greek, talks, songs, weak but good modulation ?

6295 13/11 2120 Reflections Europe, religious, songs, ids, in English good

6317 13/11 0232 WLO, USA, CW id (controlla frequenza)

7179v 14/11 2015 Radio Rossii, talks in Russian, id, fair with some fading, mix product presumed

7189.76 14/11 0023 SLBC, Sri Lanka, slow songs, few talks by woman, fair

7265 14/11 2022 CRI, Urumqi, China, program in Esperanto, some one is still using Esperanto! good

7295 14/11 0018 Traxx FM, Malaysia, rap & pop songs, fair

7850 13/11 2324 CHU, Canada, pips, time & ids, good

9425 14/11 2042 AIR National Channel, Bangaluru, India, Indian slow songs, fair

9500 14/11 2048 Radio Australia, Shepparton, talks about life abroad, fair

9524.97 12/11 1800 Voice of Indonesia, start in German, news, good

9705 16/11 1837 Radio Ethiopia, talks in Vn and HOA music, good

9950 12/11 2142 AIR, Delhi, India, DRM broadcast, Indian romantic songs, no label, good

10000 13/11 2318 WWV, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, pips & time, male voice, good

11725 16/11 1830 Radio New Zealand International, Pacific reports, in English, good

12362 13/11 2140 VMW Wiluna, Australia, maritime, meteo info, weak

15000 16/11 1815 WWVH, Honolulu, Hawaii, time ann. by female voice, very weak

15120 16/11 1942 Voice of Nigeria, in English, interview, good but with hum

15140 16/11 1945 Radio Sultanate of Oman, talks in Arabic, interview, meybe reports, ids at 1952, music, songs, good

15330 13/11 1935 Radio Martì, USA, great id, song, Spanish, good

15850 13/11 1318 Galei Zahal, Israel, talks, music, weak

Your comment "CRI, Urumqi, China, program in Esperanto, some one is still using Esperanto!" didn't attract anuy comments. I speak Esperanto. I've even used it in Milan. In fact, Italian sounds to me like a distant dialect of Esperanto!
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