05 January 2015


Ascolti in banda 49 metri. La mattina molto presto

Qualche ascolto di mattina, molto presto, qui a Milano nella banda dei 49 metri, con il ricevitore Excalibur Pro e il solito dopolo ripiegato T2FD lungo 15 metri.

5910.06 28/12 0351 Alcaravan Radio, Colombia, melodic songs, fair

28/12 0354 NBC Radio 1, Zambia, African Music, Vernacular, fair

28/12 0359 V. of Tigray Revolution, Ethiopia, HOA style songs, good

28/12 0345 La Voz de tu Conciencia, Colombia, never end sermon, Ss, weak/fair

6015 28/12 0403 ZBC, Zanzibar,Tanzania, news mentioning Zanzibar,Swahili, fair (betterLSB)

6020 28/12 0510 VOA, Pinheira, Sao Tome, talks in Haussa, good //6035 Ascension Island

6050 28/12 0317 HCJB, Equador, talks about family, songs, Spanish, fair

6055 28/12 0323 Radio Rwanda, talks mentioning Rwanda, Vernacular, fair/good

6070 28/12 0410 CFRX, Toronto, Canada, relay CFRB 1010, talks, weak/fair fading, //web streaming http://player.newstalk1010.com/

6089.86 28/12 0432 Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, Nigeria, talks, fair, LSB to avoid Caribbean Beacon

6110 28/12 0328 Radio Fana, Ethiopia, conversation man & woman, Amharic, fair/good

6134.96 28/12 0333 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, talks, fair //9630

6135 28/12 0515 Rep. of Yemen Radio (pres), Arabic talks, music, fair signal, fading out

6159.98 28/12 0336 CBC St. John's, Canada,Relay CBC Radio one, music, weak

6175 28/12 0339 Voice of Vietnam, via Cypress Creek, USA, reports in English, good

6184.98 28/12 0342 Radio Educacion, Mexico, LA folk music, talks, weak/fair

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