27 February 2018
Il mio primo log SW con il nuovo XHDATA-D-808
Il nuovo XHDATA D-808 appena arrivato |
Ecco il mio primo log SW con il nuovo XHDATA D-808, appena arrivato, fatto a Milano city con l'antenna esterna, dipolo ripiegato T2FD lungo 15 metri. Milano non è certo il luogo ideale per ascoltare, ma anche con questo piccolo ricevitore in onde corte di cose se ne riescono ad ascoltare. Ciao, Giampiero
4500 25/2 0023 PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, Mongolian, talks, fair
4850 25/2 0020 PBS Xinjiang, China, Urumqi, Kazakh, songs, talks, weak/fair
5025 25/2 0018 Radio Rebelde, Cuba, sport, SS, weak
5040 25/2 0012 Radio Habana Cuba, English, reports, fair
5060 25/2 0015 PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, Chiana, Chinese, talks, fair/good
5900 25/2 0000 IBRA Radio, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, start bc in Bengali, good
5905 25/2 1900 Radio Algerienne, Issoudun, France, reports, fair
5935 24/2 2335 WWCR Nashville, USA, religious english fair
5960 24/2 2338 Voice of Turkey, Turkish songs, English, very good
6025 24/2 2342 PBS Xizang, Tibet, China, Tibetan talks, fair
6030 25/2 1903 Bible Voice, Nauen, Germany, Gospel talks in English, good
6030 26/2 1835 Radio Oromiya, Ethiopia, HoA songs, fair
6040 24/2 2345 World Harvest Radio, Cypress Creek, USA, EE, songs, good
6065 26/2 1840 Voice of Hope Africa, Zambia, English religious, fair
6070 25/2 1027 DARC, Moosbrunn, Austria, German, radio Ham info, fair/good
6085 25/2 1032 Radio Mi Amigo, Kall Krekel, Germany, nice songs, fair
6090 24/2 2348 CNR 2 China Business R. Geermu, China, talks Chinese, fair
6090 26/2 1850 Amhara State Radio, Ethiopia, talks in Amharic with short HoA mx, weak/fair
6110 26/2 1845 Radio Fana, Ethiopia, talks Amharic, weak/fair
6130 25/2 1906 TWR, Swaziland, religious songs, African language, fair
6145 25/2 0025 AIR, Aligarh, India, Urdu, songs, very good
6150 24/2 2351 VOA, Udon Thani, Thailand, Burmese, English lesson fair/good
7120 26/2 1737 Radio Hargheisa, Somaliland, Somalia, HoA songs, fair
7140 26/2 1740 Voice of Broad Masses 1, Asmara, Eritrea, Hoa songs, fair
7182 26/2 1742 Voice of Broad Masses 2, Asmara, Eritrea, talks Amharic, good
7280 26/2 1746 Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnamese talks and music, fair //9730
7310 25/2 1235 Radio Mi Amigo, Kall Krekel, Germany, nice songs, good //6085
7365 25/2 1240 HCJB Deutschland, Weenermoor, Germany, religious talks, mx, German, fair
7390 25/2 1400 Radio New Zealand International, reports in English, fair/good
7490 25/2 2210 WBCQ The Planet, Monticello, USA, religious prg in English, fair
7550 25/2 2215 AIR, Bengaluru, India, English, Indian eating culture talks, good
9390 25/2 1836 Radio Thailand, Udon Thani, talks songs in Thai, good
9400 25/2 1840 Bible Voice, Sofia, Bulgaria, talks in Farsi, very good
9405 25/2 0002 FEBC Manila, Philippines, Chinese, talks, good
9455 25/2 1843 AIR, Bengaluru, India, ids "AIR World Service", then Hindustani music, good
9475 25/2 0005 WTWW Lebanon, TN, USA, English, talks rel. weak
9495 25/2 1828 Voice of Turkey, ids, start bc in German, good
9500 25/2 1832 TWR, Manzini, Swaziland, start bc in English, fair
9510 25/2 1250 IRRS, Saftica, Bulgaria, tribute to Tom Taylor EMR, EE, good
9535 25/2 0030 Radio Habana Cuba, nice Cuban songs, SS, good
9570 25/2 1847 MWV New Life Station, Madagascar, Russian talks, songs, good
9610 25/2 1000 AWR, start bc in Italian, Obiettivo DX, good
9610 25/2 1257 KSDA, Agat, Guam, end prg in Ch. id in English, weak
9610 25/2 1300 Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, Start English prg, fair
9630 25/2 2140 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, religious, PP, weak
9645 25/2 0008 Radio Veritas, Philippines, talks in Asian lang. and mx, weak/fair
9650 25/2 2145 Radio Guinée, Conakry, African songs, fair
9665 25/2 2150 Voz Missionaria, Florianópolis, Brazil, songs, PP, fair
9675 25/2 2156 Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil, songs, PP, fair
9750 25/2 1304 Radio Kuwait, Arabic talks and mx, fair
9730 25/2 1851 Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, German, Vietnamese songs, fair
9925 25/2 1856 Radio Pilipinas, Tinang, talks, mx, weak
10000 25/2 2202 PPE Observatorio Nacional, Rio, Brazil, bips, ids, time, PP, weak
11625 26/2 1733 Vatican Radio, Talata-Volondry, Madagascar, news in Amharic, good
11660 26/2 1729 TWR, Manzini, Swaziland, start bc in Oromo, fair/good
11735 25/2 1940 Radio Transmundial, Santa Maria, Brazil, songs, many ids, PP, fair/good
11735 26/2 1720 ZBC, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Interview and reports, Shahili, good (narrow bw)
11750 25/2 2000 World Harvest Radio, Cypress Creek, USA, religious, EE, good
11750 26/2 1715 City FM SLBC, Sri Lanka, phone talks in Sinhala, songs, good
11775 25/2 1910 Caribbean Beacon, Anguilla, usual talks in English, fair
11800 25/2 2004 AWR, Meyerton, South Africa, French religious, music, fair
11860 26/2 1139 Rep. Yemen Radio Sana'a, via Saudi Arabia, Arabic, narrow BW, QRM Australia
11865 26/2 1135 Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, songs, talks in Burmese, fair
11900 25/2 2010 VOA, Sao Tome, songs, French bc, fair
11930 25/2 1914 Radio Marti, Greenville, USA, "Interferencia" Hit Parade, SS, good
11945 25/2 1918 MWV Radio Feda, Madagascar, Arabic talks and songs, good
12050 25/2 1925 Radio Ndarason International, Ascension, to Nigeria in Kanuri, Afr. songs, good
12120 26/2 1144 KTWR Trans World Radio, Agana, Guam, Asian language, tk songs, good
15195 26/2 1100 AWR KSDA Agat, Guam, Chinese talks, slow songs, weak
15410 26/2 1115 AIR, Panaji, India, bc in Thai, Oriental pop, weak/fair
15500 26/2 1106 AWR KSDA Agat, Guam, Indonesian talks, weak
15575 26/2 1119 Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, English bc, religious, fair/good
15760 26/2 1123 Radio Mashaal, Udon Thani, Thailand, interview, Pastho, fair
17640 26/2 1127 Radio Romania Int. Tiganesti, French bc, fair
17805 26/2 1130 BSKSA 1, Saudi Arabia, reports, Arabic, good
Labels: log, XHDATA D-808