26 July 2011


Propagazione latitante

Propagazione scarsa, aperta solo verso qualche zona asiatica. Ad esempio arrivava molto bene Myanma Radio su 5985.84 kHz (nell'immagine). Meno male che qui in Toscana dove sono, a Pescia, non mancano né salame né vino.

Simpatica la radio pirata Pink Panther dal Nord dei Paesi Bassi con soli 25 watt

RX: RFSpace SDR-14 - ANT: 30 meters long wire

4965 24/7 2350 Christian Voice, Zambia, songs, in LSB to avoid utility QRM, good

5040 24/7 2354 Radio Habana, Cuba, English programme, fair

5939.85 24/7 2316 Voz Missionaria, Cambiorù, Brazil, long talks, fair

5952.5 24/7 2325 Emissora Pio Doce, Bolivia, talks, weak

5985.84 24/7 2332 Myanma Radio, Yegu, Myanmar, slow Oriental songs and talks by woman, fair/good. Very interesting signal tonight

5990 24/7 2225 FEBC Manila, Philippines, interval signal and ids repeated, signing on, start program at 2230, fair

6085 24/7 2230 Radio Rossii, Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, songs, talks in Russian, fair

6130 24/7 2238 PBS Xizang, China, English program, fair/good

6240 24/7 2128 Radio Tina, songs, poor

6308 24/7 2125 R. Powerliner, Pirate, folk music, rare ids, in Dutch, fair

6510 24/7 2130 Pink Panther, Pirate, songs, weak, fading only 25 W in North Nederland

7245 24/7 2345 Radio Mauretanie, in Arabic, folk songs, some talks, good, later very good

7270 24/7 2359 Radio Rossii, via Armenia, in Russian, talks, id on the hour, news, very good //7285 via Moldova with a short delay

7425 25/7 0002 Radio Tirana, Albania, in Albanian, talks and Opera music, very good

7585 25/7 0005 Radio Farda, via Sri Lanka, songs, good

22 July 2011


Higher BC bands 17 & 21 MHz

Some tips also on the higher Bc bands on 17 and 21 MHz heard in Tuscany with a SDR-14 and 30 meters wire

17507.3 20/7 1130 Radio Romania International, in English, culture & classical music, off frequency (nominal 17510), good //17670

17530 18/7 1346 Radio Sawa via Kuwait, fast news, in Arabic, good

17530 18/7 1836 VOA, Sao Tome, in French, report about Congo, fair

17545 19/7 1638 WYFR Family Radio, via Ascension, Bible talks in English, good

17575 19/7 1635 AWR, via Germany, slow talks, reported in Somali, fair

17670 18/7 1342 AWR, via Madagascar, talks in Asian language, reported to be Vietnamese, good

17695 20/7 1134 Radio Farda, via Sri Lanka, talks and music, ids, fair

17715 18/7 1838 REE, Spain, interesting interview about a community radio in Cochabamba area, in Spanish, good //17775

17745 19/7 1632 Sudan Radio Service, via Portugal, talks and music, mentioning often Sudan and Juba, in Arabic, good

17830 19/7 1627 BBC, via Ascension, talks about Africa and Nigeria, in English, fair

17840 19/7 1411, Radio Sawa, via Kuwait, songs, ids, reports in Arabic, very good

17850 19/7 1408 RFI, France, interview in French, very good

17895 19/7 1406 BSKSA, Saudi Arabia, Holy Kuran program, very good

21470 18/7 1333 BBC World Service, via Seychelles, reports, English, fair

21505 18/7 1329 BSKSA 1, Saudi Arabia, long phone talks, Arabic. Good

21540 18/7 1336 Radio Kuwait, long talks in Arabic with classical music on the back, Excellent

21610 19/7 1403 REE. Spain, News, sport, economics in Spanish, very good //21540

21780 18/7 1339 Deutsche Welle, via Rwanda, in Hausa, talks about Niger, very good

21840 19/7 1359 Deutsche Welle, Germany, in German, news. Good


15 MHz in Tuscany

Some tips on 15 MHz Bc band made in Pescia, Tuscany

RX: SDR-14, ANT: 30 meters long wire

15120 18/7 1810 Radio Nigeria, English program with reports and talks, very good signal, but usual modulation a bit low

15140 19/7 1907 Radio Sultanate of Oman, presumed, talks in Arabic, low modulation, poor/fair

15190 19/7 1831 Radio Pilipinas, Philippines, in Tagalog, conversation man and woman, //9395 poor/fair fading

15215 19/7 1911 Voice of Africa, Libya, in Hausa, mentioning every 5 seconds Africa and Gheddafi, the Horn of Africa music, very good

15235 19/7 1645 Channel Africa, South Africa, in French, sport reports, good

15245 19/7 1649 Voice of Korea, North Korea, reports in French, fair

15341.14 20/7 1340 SNRT Morocco, Arabic talks, songs, weak/fair fading

15344.16 19/7 1917 RAE, Argentina, in Italian, talks and songs, in LSB to avoid QRM Morocco. Fair

15345.18 18/7 1815 SNRT, Morocco, talks in Arabic, off channel as usual, good signal but some QRM from RAE carrier.

15445 18/7 1820 NHK Radio Japan, via Germany, slow songs, Japanese, good with some fading

15540 18/7 1825 Radio Kuwait, western songs, id, reports in English, very good

15580 18/7 1830 VOA, via Botswana, English, international reports, good

15690 18/7 1315 Radio Farda, via Sri Lanka, usual songs program with ids. good

15700 18/7 1320 Radio Bulgaria, talks and music, in Bulgarian, fair, fading

15630 18/7 1325 Voice of Greece, Greek songs and talks in Greek, excellent

15780 20/7 1143 Radio Sawa, in Arabic, usual program songs and short news, fair

15850 18/7 1833 Galei Zahal, Israel, nice songs, fair with fading


11 b& 13 MHz tips in Tuscany

Few tips on 11 & 13 MHz made in Pescia, Tuscany, with a SDR-14 and a 30 meters wire.

11580 19/7 1720 VOA Ashna Radio, Via Kuwait to Afghanistan, in Pashtu, talks, //11565, both fair/good some fading

11590 19/7 1716-1731 Radio Pakistan? Strong carrier S 9 and more but not modulated. Radio Pakistan tx problems?

11625 19/7 *1729 Vatican Radio, signing on with usual interval music, fair

11655 19/7 1725 Ibra Radio, via France, song, id at 1727 with web address, in Arabic, good

11733.3v 19/7 1731 Radio Romania Int, out of frequency, in English, reports. Good

11750 19/7 1735 Sri Lanka BC, songs and entertainement talks in Sinhalese, very good

11880 19/7 1810 Radio Australia, slow songs, in English, fair

12130 19/7 1659 VOA, via Sri Lanka, start program to Zimbabwe, talks mentioning Zimbabwe in African language. Good

13580 19/7 1703 Bible Voice, via Germany, in Arabic, id in English at 1705, very good

13590 19/7 1706 CVC OneAfrica, Zambia, talks in English, fair

13635 20/7 1147 Voice of Turkey, in Turkish, Turkish songs, good

13650 19/7 1709 Radio Kuwait, international reports in Arabic, good

13770 19/7 1712 All India Radio, Indian songs, good

13810 19/7 1715 Bible Voice, via France, program to East Africa in Tigrino (reported), Horn of Africa songs style, talks, some modulation problems. Good signal


Radio Daqui e altre radio in Toscana

Radio Daqui benino. E altri ascolti sempre a Pescia, Pistoia, in Toscana

RX: RFSpace SDR-14 - ANT: 30 meters long wire

3410 21/7 2206 Greek Pirate in LSB, NOT 2x harmonic from MW, Greek folk songs, fair

3413 21/7 2209 Shannon Volmet, usual meteo airports info, fair/good

4845.27 21/7 2334 Radio Cultura, Manaus, talks, ids: "Cultura!", QRM Codar, good signal, fair

4915 21/7 2315 Radio Daqui, Brazil, nice slow Brazilian songs, some ids, fair

5910 21/7 2300 VOA, via Thailand, id and reports, weak

5995 21/7 2200 RTV du Mali, long talks, fair, better after Radio Bulgaria s.off at 2200 and Radio Senado s.off at 2203

9265 21/7 2239 WINB, USA, religious programme in English, good signal but low modulation. Fair

9330 21/7 2235 Radio Damascus, Siria, Spanish program, reports, music, ids. QRM from WBCQ, USA, with religious programme. Poor

9350 21/7 2232 WWCR Nashville, USA, Religious programme in English, good

9370 21/7 2228 WTJC USA, religious talks, good, not so good modulation

9385 21/7 2224 WWRB Manchester, USA, religious talks by woman, weak but clear

9479 21/7 2220 WTWW Lebanon, USA, religious talks, good, but in LSB to avoid China on 9480

9780 21/7 2244 CVC Voz Cristiana, Chile, religious talks in Spanish, fair

11670 21/7 2248 Radio Nacional Venezuela, via Cuba, great id, politics, in Spanish, fair

15720 21/7 2215 R. New Zealand International, talks in English, weak signal but clear modulation

21 July 2011


7 & 9 MHz tips in Tuscany

RX: RFspace SDR-14; ant 30 m long wire
QTH: Pescia; Tuscany

7125 19/7 2119 Radio Conakry, Guinea, talks in French, fair, some QRM from hams

7245 19/7 2212 Radio Mauretanie, in Arabic, music then reports, good

7360 19/7 2124 Radio Belarus, in English, language lesson, web address, songs, fair //7390

7445 19/7 2128 CRI, in Italian, end of the Italian program, good

7450 19/7 2131 ERT3 Makedonias, Greece, talks in Greek and songs, very good

7495 19/7 2134 Radio Algerienne, via France, in Arabic, talks, good //9375 very good

7585 19/7 2137 Radio Farda, via Sri lanka, usual songs program, good

9235 18/7 1918 Galei Zahal, Israel, talks in Hebrew, //15850 fair/good

9310 19/7 1824 Deewa Radio, via Thailand to Afghanistan, reported in Pashtu. Reports. Good

9330 19/7 1827 Radio Damascus, Siria, Arabic songs, very strong signal 9+40 but low modulation

9395 19/7 1830 Radio Pilipinas, Philippines, in Tagalog, conversation man and woman, //15190 fair

9420 19/7 1834 Voice of Greece, usual nice Greek music program. QRM from IRIB Iran on co-channel (no good idea to use the Greek channel). Fair

9445 19/7 1837 All India Radio, in English, talks about Indian
culture, fair

9470 19/7 2141 AIR National Channel, India, slow Indian songs, fair

9500 19/7 2144 Radio Australia, Shepparton, in English, talks, fair

9515 19/7 1840 KBS World Radio, South Korea, Talks in Korean, good

9526 19/7 1820 Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, in German, international reports, talks about Afghanistan, later about Sumatra, good.

9565.3 19/7 2147 Radio Deus è Amor, Brazil, religious talks, strong
QRM from Radio Martì, better in USB, poor

9575 19/7 1817 Radio Medì 1, Morocco, in Arabic, talks, good

9580 19/7 1815 Radio Africa 1, Gabon, in French, id "Radio Africa 1, la Radio Africaine" and reports, good signal, some QRM from Medì 1 9575, fair/good

9625 19/7 1842 Voice of Vietnam, via Austria, in French, reports especially about South East Asia, very good //9730 fair

9625 19/7 2151 Radio Canada North Quebec, Inuit Service, talks,

9645 19/7 1845 Vatican Radio, Holy Rosary, QRM CRI in French, fair

9665 19/7 2154 Radio PMR Pridnestrovye, Moldova, popular songs. Very good

9705 19/7 2158 La Voix du Sahel, Niger, nice folk music and songs,

9725 19/7 1849 RTT, Radio Tunis, Tunisia, talks in Arabic, good

9730 19/7 1844 Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam tx, in French, reports, fair //9625 via Austria

9745 19/7 1854 Radio Baharain, western songs non stop, talks in Arabic on the hour, fair but some QRM from a co-channel station in Chinese. Could be Voice of Hope?

9800 19/7 1903 Afia Darfur Radio, via Vatican Tx, reports in Arabic, mentioning many times Darfur. Fair/good

9990 18/7 1745 Radio Cairo, Egypt, Arabic songs, really distorted audio with S 9+30

10000 19/7 2205 Observatorio Nacional, Brazil, usual pips, time, ids, weak


Ascolti in Toscana 4 & 6 MHz

RX: RFspace SDR-14; ant 30 m long wire
QTH: Pescia, Tuscany, Italy

4780 18/7 1912 RTV Djibouti, long talks like comment, then music,
very good

4828 19/7 2101 Voice of Zimbabwe, African music, id by woman at
2103, some talks in English, fair

4860 18/7 1910 AIR, Delhi, long slow oriental songs, it's reported
to be to Pakistan, fair

4930 18/7 1907 VOA, Botswana, reports in English, good

4965 19/7 2216 CVC, Christian voice, Zambia, religious talks,
English, good but in LSB to avoid utility QRM

4976 18/7 1904 UBC, Uganda, national and international reports in
English, good

5066.398v 18/7 1845-1903* Radio Candip, Congo Dem, nice slow music
and talks by woman in French, fair, low modulation while speaking.
Off at 1903

5990 19/7 2108 Radio Senado, Brazil, soft music and Brazilian
songs, fair

6080 19/7 2115 VOA, Sao Tome, in English, talks, good but in USB to
avoid QRM from Germany on 6075

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