19 May 2012


La pirata Caroline e il DRM perfetto

Qualche ascolto degli scorsi giorni con l'Excalibur Pro e il fido Drake R4-C a Milano
Sono riuscito ad ascoltare anche Radio Australia su 19000 kHz

4835 2133 15/5 ABC, Alice Springs, talks, English, fair // 5025 weaker, no signal on 4910

6290.65 2020 15/5 Radio Caroline, Pirate, oldies, id, fair/good off at 2030

9505 2124 15/5 CVC OneAfrica, Zambia, in English, songs, talks, fair

9665 2130 15/5 Radio PMR, Pridnestrovye, Moldova separatist area, news in German, good

11695 2100 1575 Radio Australia, news, in English, fair

11725 2032 15/5 Radio New Zealand Int. Talks and songs, fair, some QRM from Belarus on 11730 in English

11735 1840 15/5 Zanzibar BC, Tanzania, dance songs Afro & Western style, news in Swahili at 2100, very good

11765 2040 15/5 Radio Deus è Amor, Curitiba, Brazil, religious talks like sport in Spanish, talking about Paraguay "La Gracia en Paraguay". Good

11780 2104 15/5 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brazil, reports, fair, signal increasing

11830 2110 15/5 DW, via Kigali, Rwanda, English, reports, economics, fair //11800 good and 11865 good, all via Kigali

11850 2046 15/5 Radio Japan, via Talata-Volondry, Madagascar, in French, talks, good

11854.94 2051 15/5 Radio Aparecida (pres) Brazil, music, talks, weak, better in USB

13820 2119 15/5 Radio Martì, via Canada, politics in Spanish, strong jamming, fair

14670 1951 15/5 CHU, Canada, usual pips, weak

15120 1926 15/5 Voice of Nigeria, Abuja, DRM, reports in English, good

15190 1920 15/5 Radio Pilipinas, talks in Tagalog, fair, in LSB to avoid QRM Radio Inconfidencia on 15191.48

15190 1957-2004* 15/5 Radio Africa (pres), Bata, Guinea E., American slow English, talks, abrupt s.off at 2004, no id. Fair

15195 *2000 15/5 Family Radio, via Ascension, start BC in English, strong: kills Inconfidencia 15191.48 and gives few QRM to Radio Africa 15190

15345.04 2008 15/5 RAE, Argentina, in French, reports, then music, fair, low modulation

15419.826 1930 15/5 WBCQ The Planet, Monticello, USA, English religious talks, AM modulated upper side only, fair

15580 1935 15/5 VOA, via Botswana, Reports in Special English, good

15720 1940 15/5 Radio New Zealand Int. DRM, id in English and talks in a Pacific Language, reported to be Tongan, really good audio: no gaps. Perfect! The DRM text gives news headlines. //11725 in AM good

 17605 1906 15/5 Radio Nederland, via Vatican State Santa Maria di Galeria, English, talks, good at 1933 //15495 good

17640 1913 15/5 CVC Christian Voice, Chile, DRM, talks, songs, Spanish, good audio, label with text, "test transmission from Calera de Tango, Santiago, Chile" //17680 in AM, fair

17675 2350 7/5 Radio New Zealand Int., DRM, fair signal S=7, audio usable, with few bugs, talks, id at 0000 with news

19000 2335 7/5 Radio Australia, Shepparton, conversation in English, fair

03 May 2012


La propagazione gira

Qualche altro ascolto milanese. La propagazione gira. Ad esempio su 6160 invece del Canada questa volta c'era Radio Rossii. Su 6150 Radio Record. Bene 9 de Juhlo su 9820 relay Aparecida.

5909.94 0110 3/5 Alcaravan Radio, Colombia, latin nice songs, ids, good

5935 0116 3/5 WWCR, Nashville, USA, religious, gospel, good

5954.24 0120 3/5 Radio Republica (p), Costa Rica, signal fair but audio buried inside jamming noise really strong. Jammer stations seems on 5955 kHz. Noise touches also Radio Pio XII on 5952.43

6049.93 0126 3/5 HCJB, Quito, Equador, slow songs, talks in Spanish, QRM from Radio Habana in English, poor

6070 0015 3/5 CFRX, Toronto, Canada, relay CFRB, conversation, again in my headphone after some days with Radio Capital/Deus è Amor. Fair

6085.035 0140 3/5 Radio Marumby, Curitiba, Brazil, religious talks by female with some slow music, weak but clear // web streaming on http://radioevangelismo.com/

6134.82 0020 3/5 Radio Santa Cruz, Bolivia, nice songs, fair/good

6149.98 0030-0042* 3/5  Radio Record (p), Sao Paulo, Brazil, romantic pop songs, talks in Portuguese mentioning Sao Paulo, weak, s.off at 0042

6160 0100 3/5 Radio Rossii, Monchegorsk, time pips, id, news in Russian, weak, over CKZN. Tx is not so far from Northern Finland. First time I hear it.

6165 0107 3/5 Radio Nederland, Bonaire, in Spanish, news, press review, good

9819.54 0200 3/5 Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, relay Aparecida, religious talks, fair, after VOA Greenville s.off at 0200

15140 1715-1718 2/5 All India Radio, Khampur, DRM, label: RUSSIAN SERVICE, off at 1718, good but I could stay in touch only 3 minutes... then off air

15345.28 2320 2/5 RAE, Argentina, Spanish program, songs, culture, history, good, frequency slowly drifting

RX: Drake R-4C, Excalibur Pro, Elad FDM-S1 / Ant: T2FD / QTH: Milan

02 May 2012


Ascolti del 1° Maggio

Giusto qualche ascolto del 1° Maggio, Festa del Lavoro

9950 1800 1/5 All India Radio, GOS IV Khampur, DRM. English service with news, songs, reports, but audio was good around 1800, with a lot of gaps at 1815-1830, good again at 1830. DRM is not a good idea for SW long distance broadcasting, fading can easily kill audio. 

11695 2300 1/5 Radio Australia, Shepparton, in Indonesian, id and news, good

11720 2300 1/5 Voice of Vietnam 1, Hanoi, time pips, id, news in Vietnamese (p), weak

11780 2300 1/5 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brazil, "Nacional enforma", fair

11815 2300 1/5 Radio Brasil Central, talks about 1 May, great id, good

15000 2200 1/5 WWV, Fort Collins, USA, time and sun info, fair

15120 1835 1/5 Voice of Nigeria, Abuja as reported in the text message, DRM, English, politic reports, very good SNR 25.8 dB

15140 2150-2159* Radio Sultanate of Oman, songs, ids, s.off at 2159, good

15191.48 2130 1/5 Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, songs, news, meteo, nice signal, good

15215 *2159 1/5  Adventist World Radio, KSDA, Guam, s. on and start program in Mandarin, fair

15240 2200 1/5 Radio Australia, reported from Taiwan, reports in English, weak

15265 *2200 1/5 Radio Japan, via Bonaire, s.on, start bc in Japanese, good

15345.11 2200 1/5 RAE, Argentina, many ids and start program in Spanish, good

15415 *2159 Radio Australia, Shepparton, start abrupt, id on the hour, fair

15455 *2159 Radio Canada International, s.on, Spanish program, news, good

rx: Drake R-4C, Excalibur Pro, Elad FDM-S1
ant: T2FD
qth: Milano, Italia

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01 May 2012


New Zealand in DRM: perfetta!

New Zealand perfetta in DRM
Radio Capital/Deus è Amor molto presto senza il Canada
Inconfidencia con segnale buono

6055 2056-2100* 30/4 Radio Rwanda (pres), end of Bc, song, off air abrupt wihout final id. good

6070 2102 30/4 Radio Capital / Deus é Amor, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, usual sermons, weak but clear

6100 2109 30/4 Int. Radio Serbia, via Bijeljina, Bosnia, international news, then sport, in English, good, some QRM

11650 2129 30/4 Radio Australia, Shepparton, English, reports, weak

11695 2132 30/4 Radio Australia, domestic news and meteo, "ABC news" id, good //11650

11725 1855 30/4 Radio New Zealand Int. Reports in a Pacific language, till 1858 then in English, good, few QRM from close channels, later very good, at 1945 9+20 dB !

11730 1825 29/4 Radio Belarus, talks in German, after 1830 Belarussian songs, at 2037 great ids, very good

11735 18.28-1840  29/4 Zanzibar Bc. Co. mute carrier, good signal over 9. Technical problems?

11735 1940 30/4 Zanzibar BC, Tanzania, songs & talks, in Swahili, good

11765 2015 30/4 Deus è Amor, Curitiba, Brazil, usual religious enphatic talks, good

11775 2138 30/4 Caribbean Beacon, Anguilla, religious talks, by female, fair

11815 2145 30/4 Radio Brasil Central, Goiana, Brazilian songs, good signal but splatter from 11820 Riyadh

11830 2149 30/4 VOA, Sao Tome, in Hausa, talks, very good

11850 2152 30/4 Radio Japan, via Talata-Volondry, Madascar, French program, Japanese grammar, good

15120 1746 30/4 Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu or Abuja? in Arabic, reports, very good

15190 1740 30/4 Radio Pilipinas, Tinang, in Tagalog and some English, reports, good

15191.39 1950 30/4 Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, talks, reports, many ids, good till 2000 when Family Radio starts on 15195 with strong signal and make QRM

Radio Inconfidencia molto bene
15235 1754-1800* 30/4 Channel Africa, Meyerton, South Africa, songs, pips on the hour, id in African language and s.off 1800

15245 1801 30/4 Voice of Korea, Korea DPR, starting English programm, fair/good

15265 1804 30/4 Radio Pakistan, news in Urdu (as listed), id, music and talks, good //11575

15345.3 2002 30/4 RAE, Argentina, French program , news, tangos, good

15420 1811 30/4 BBC WS Limassol, Cyprus, sport talks, over WBCQ, //15400, fair

15540 1815 30/4 Radio Kuwait, english program, pop songs, very good!

15580 1820 30/4 VOA, Selebi-Philkwe, Botswana, in English, reports about Somalia, good

15610 1824 30/4 WEWN, Vandiver, USA, religious talks, English, fair, fading

15630 1829 30/4 Voice of Greece, Avlis, in Greek, talks & greek song, good //9420 strong!

15720 2007 30/4 Radio New Zealand Int. DRM: reports in English. Text messages giving news. Perfect!

15825 1834 30/4 WWCR, Nashville, USA, religious songs, talks, English, good

15850 1840 29/4 Galei Zahal, Israel, songs, music, fair/good

rx: Drake R-4C, Collins 51S-1 Excalibur Pro, Elad FDM-S1
ant: T2FD - qth: Milano, Italia

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